Matthew 11:28-30; “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take...
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Is the Bible Still Relevant?

Time and again, the church has been faced with a need to have a theology that’s both relevant and scriptural....
Receiving Revelation from the Word – Part Five

According to the explanations offered in this teaching so far, we’ve seen that the Apostles of Christ are the custodians...
Receiving Revelation from the Word – Part Four

We have seen from the Scriptures that the message of the Apostles is the revelation for the church age, and...
Receiving Revelation from the Word – Part Three

In the previous teaching, we began to examine the role of the Spirit in giving revelation to believers, and we...
Receiving Revelation from the Word – Part Two

In the previous teaching, we saw how the mind is the place for illumination hence we cannot ignore diligence in...
5 Hindrances to the Effectiveness of God’s Word

There are things that militate against your growth as a believer in Christ; things you must deal with else they’d...
Receiving Revelation from the Word – Part One

‘I got it in my spirit!’ That’s a popular phrase that many use to express how they received revelation from...